How to spore mods
How to spore mods

Added a set of config options to set the health percentage Raid captures are calculated at.Added a config option to allow only trhe leader of a raid to catch after a win.Added a set of config options to control Master/Park ball use at specific star levels.Added settings to allow fine tuning of Catch combos.Added a config to allow/deny juice crafting.Battle errors will now export to their own log files.Added new config options to control breeding regional forms by dimension.Shiny Pokemon now have gold names in battle.Added a config option for Den spawning on liquids.Added a battle config category (Reset your hocon to see this).Remember to delete the Pixelmon configs and any of Pixelmon's external JSONs before updating to a new version.

how to spore mods

Download™ Recommended Forge is 1.12.2-14.

How to spore mods